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A newborn shoot can be booked anytime after you 12 week scan. It's best to book in early as I only shoot so many newborns per month to ensure I have flexibility with my dates depending if little one arrives early or late to the world. 

I aim to get you and your baby in the studio between 4-10 days old to help get those sleepy, natural shots.

Upon booking, I will send you a newborn guide to help you prepare for your shoot.

All newborn shoots can include siblings and parent shots. 

If your baby is older than 2 weeks, please contact me and I can talk you through the different shoot options. It doesn't mean you can't get gorgeous photos but there is just more limit to what I am able to do.

I am fully trained in newborn safety and this is my absolute priority at all times. Some poses that you see on my site or social media may not be possible for you to have - it all depends on baby and how deeply they are asleep. 

This is such a precious moment to capture, they really are only this little for such a short amount of time and I am always honoured to shoot such an incredible moment in time. 

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